الخادم ماين كرافت EKT - EliteKamikazeTeam Survial

We're currently running Minecraft 1.15.2 "semi-vanilla" server, with a chill non PG community however we aren't excessively explicit so we cater for a variety of age groups.

Some of our plugins:
Lands, ShopGUIPlus, CMI, Hymotes, Companions, ChestProtect

join us at mc.elitekamikazeteam.com to see for yourself

We have a live ticket support system for players to use should they encounter a bug, glitch and/or game-breaking stuff.

Additional Links:
Discord: https://discord.gg/BepTtKN

Site: https://elitekamikazeteam.com/
Registering to forum is crucial as it displays all server information from ranks, plugins etc

Status: Online
IP: mc.elitekamikazeteam.com
Uptime: 91.8%
Country: GB
Players: 8/40
كود التضمين

Added: Admin Created: 12/08/2020